JUMP TOGetting StartedAuthenticationRate LimitsCheckly Public APIAccounts[beta] Fetch user accountsget[beta] Fetch current account detailsget[beta] Fetch a given account detailsgetAlert channelsList all alert channelsgetCreate an alert channelpostDelete an alert channeldeleteRetrieve an alert channelgetUpdate an alert channelputUpdate the subscriptions of an alert channelputAlert notificationsLists all alert notificationsgetAnalyticsAPI checksgetBrowser checksgetHeartbeat checksgetList all available reporting metrics.getMultistep checksgetTCP checksgetBadges/v1/badges/checks/{checkId}get/v1/badges/groups/{groupId}getCheck alertsList all alerts for your accountgetList alerts for a specific checkgetCheck groupsList all check groupsgetCreate a check grouppostRetrieve one check in a specific group with group settings appliedgetDelete a check group.deleteRetrieve a check groupgetUpdate a check groupputRetrieve all checks in a specific group with group settings appliedgetCheck resultsLists all check resultsgetRetrieve a check resultgetLists all check resultsgetCheck statusList all check statusesgetRetrieve check status detailsgetChecksList all checksgetCreate a checkpostCreate an API checkpostUpdate an API checkputCreate a browser checkpostUpdate a browser checkputCreate a multi-step checkpostUpdate a multi-step checkputCreate a TCP checkpostUpdate an TCP checkputDelete a checkdeleteRetrieve a checkgetUpdate a checkputHeartbeatsCreate a heartbeat checkpostUpdate a heartbeat checkputGet heartbeat availabilitygetGet a list of events for a heartbeatgetGet a specific Heartbeat eventgetClient certificatesLists all client certificates.getCreates a new client certificate.postDeletes a client certificate.deleteShows one client certificate.getDashboardsList all dashboardsgetCreate a dashboardpostDelete a dashboarddeleteRetrieve a dashboardgetUpdate a dashboardputIncidentsCreate an incidentpostDelete an incidentdeleteRetrieve an incidentgetUpdate an incidentputIncident UpdatesCreate an incident updatepostDelete an incident updatedeleteUpdate an incident updateputLocationLists all supported locationsgetMaintenance windowsList all maintenance windowsgetCreate a maintenance windowpostDelete a maintenance windowdeleteRetrieve a maintenance windowgetUpdate a maintenance windowputPrivate locationsList all private locationsgetCreate a private locationpostRemove a private locationdeleteRetrieve a private locationgetUpdate a private locationputGenerate a new API Key for a private locationpostRemove an existing API key for a private locationdeleteGet private location health metrics from a window of time.getReportingGenerates a report with aggregate statistics for checks and check groups.getRuntimesLists all supported runtimesgetShows details for one specific runtimegetSnippetsList all snippetsgetCreate a snippetpostDelete a snippetdeleteRetrieve a snippetgetUpdate a snippetputStatic IPsLists all source IPs for check runsgetLists all source IPs for check runsgetLists all source IPs for check runs as txt filegetLists all source IPv6s for check runsgetLists all source IPv6s for check runsgetLists all source IPv6s for check runs as a txt filegetTriggersDelete the check group triggerdeleteGet the check group triggergetCreate the check group triggerpostDelete the check triggerdeleteGet the check triggergetCreate the check triggerpostEnvironment variablesList all environment variablesgetCreate an environment variablepostDelete an environment variabledeleteRetrieve an environment variablegetUpdate an environment variableputList all dashboardsget https://api.checklyhq.com/v1/dashboardsLists all current dashboards in your account.